shopfloor automation

Shop Floor Automation

Driving manufacturing success

With shop floor automation, you can leverage data-driven insights and visibility across physical assets, processes and systems to improve operational efficiency and productivity.

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Shop Floor Automation: Embrace data-driven manufacturing to unlock productivity

With shop floor automation, manufacturers can revolutionize their production processes by leveraging advanced technologies and real-time data insights.

Production rate inconsistency

Shopfloor automation

Keeping track of inventory

Anticipating future demand today

Unplanned machine downtime

High wastage levels

Knowledge gaps with data silos

Delayed or missed deliveries

Quality & compliance related issues

Shop Floor Automation: Overcome the biggest manufacturing challenges

Unlock manufacturing excellence with shop floor automation, and overcome challenges, boost productivity, and drive efficiency with cutting-edge technology.
Shop Floor Automation

Automate, monitor, and control shop floor operations for optimum resource utilization.
Manufacturing Order Management

Know the status of manufacturing availability, performance, quality and schedule operations.
Alerts and Notifications

Get real-time alerts on standard deviation,  downtime, production and scrap conditions.
Fast and Easy Integration

Use a single view and user interface for ERP/MRP, production and KPI tracking.
Real-time Monitoring ASH

Enable more real-time monitoring of operations for driving production and business decisions.
Data Automation

Eliminate error-prone manual data entry and identify communication shortcomings.
Performance Optimization

Streamline task allocation and optimize equipment and human performance.
Maintenance Operations

Avoid intricate and dangerous maintenance requirements and improve safety.
Manufacturing Throughput

Improve the rate of operating efficiency of bottleneck resources and maximize throughput.

Shop Floor Automation: Production planning, control and management

Streamline your production planning, control, and management with shop floor automation, and harness the power of technology to optimize operations, increase efficiency, and drive success on the shop floor.
  • Connect standard operating procedures, training, change control, quality events, traceability, etc.
  • Route calibration tasks to personnel, enable advanced reporting capabilities and store the complete record for audits and inspections.
  • Streamline product development, reduce product documentation, and improve production data integrity, tracking, and analysis.
  • Enable an efficient exchange of information between your operators and managers on the production line.
  • Get insights into staff performance levels and support additional training for underachievers to do better.
  • Uncover ineffective manufacturing processes and identify the areas where productivity needs improvement.
  • Track every step of the production cycle and get real-time information to make insightful decisions.
  • Eliminate shop floor documentation burden, enhance visibility, and ensure data integrity.
Shop Floor Automation: Data for Manufacturing Decisions
Mobile App for Operators | Dashboard for Site Managers | Real-Time Shop Floor Automation | Predictive Analytics | Critical Equipment Monitoring | Real-Time Data for Faster Decisions
  • Automated Data Collection (ADC)
  • Product Traceability
  • Materials Control
  • Quality Control
  • Automated Production Reporting
  • Office Automation

Reduce manual data collection and retrieval errors. Streamline data collection process through barcoding and machine interfaces.

Boost throughput in bottleneck processes: manufacturing, receiving, shipping, material issue, inventory movements, cycle counting, physical inventory, labor, and production reporting.

Gain visibility into inventory movements from end-to-end and track finished products to where they were shipped or back through their operational steps.

Store and retrieve historical product manufacturing information, limit the impact of the product recall costs, or defend against a future product liability lawsuit.

Improve materials reporting accuracy, track scrapped materials efficiently, and optimize inventory management for enhanced manufacturing planning and purchasing..

Identify manufacturing operations where raw materials are being scrapped and automate WIP calculation.

Reduce manual data collection and retrieval errors. Streamline data collection process through barcoding and machine interfaces.

Enhance throughput in processes that are bottlenecks in the manufacturing process, receiving, shipping, material issue, inventory movements, cycle counting, physical inventory, labor, and production reporting.

Leverage advanced analytics, and smart features such as interactivity, a drag-and-drop interface, and predictive analytics, and more. Create and share reports at a specific time interval without the need to update the information each time.

Eliminate significant labor hours related to manually opening work orders, issuing materials, etc.

Manage your organizational workloads efficiently by simplifying and automating processes like accounting, data management, facility management, training, and various other administrative tasks.

Benefit from higher productivity, reliability, availability, increased performance, and reduced operating costs.

Shop Floor Automation: Take your business operations to the next level

About DforD

Data for Decisions Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is a cloud platform integrated with the supply chain ecosystem to provide Transparency, Efficiency, Counterfeit Detection and Reporting for Manufacturers, Distributors, Retailers and Consumers. It is simple and user friendly to adopt and use.

Contact Us

Data for Decisions Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

#878, 1st Stage, 5th Block, HBR Layout, Bengaluru 560043, Karnataka.


Phone: +91-95130 66926

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